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Research outputs: YOUTH

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2013 Determinants of HIV testing among young people aged 18-24 years in South Africa

Background: Although recent estimates of the HIV/AIDS burden in South Africa show the particular vulnerability of youth to HIV, HIV testin...

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2013 Umthente Uhlaba Usamila: the 3rd South African National Youth Risk Behaviour Survey 2011

The objectives of the studies is to provide provincially and nationally representative data, inform intervention development, inform policy ...

2012 Environmental lead exposure and socio-behavioural adjustment in the early teens: the birth to twenty cohort

Lead exposure remains high in South Africa. Environmental lead exposure has been associated with behaviour problems in childhood and adolesc...

2012 Policy framework on social security for youth in South Africa

Taking cognizance of the importance of young people for the advancement of society the South African government has, over the last 17 years,...

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