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Research outputs: YOUTH

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2009 Prevalence and social correlates of injury among in-school adolescents in Botswana

Injury is a significant public health concern that has received limited attention in Africa. There is in particular a lack of data regarding...

2009 Learnerships and skills development in South Africa: a shift to prioritise the young unemployed

Much is expected from the new learnership system implemented in South Africa a mere seven years ago as a key component in putting a multi-pr...

2008 School drop-outs and imprisoned youths

Young people equate life as a 'drop-out' to living in a prison, writes SAADHNA PANDAY and FABIAN ARENDS, following discussions held on learn...

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2008 Smoke this: dagga use among young men gets higher

The increase in cannabis production and improved technology call for more substance abuse treatment centres in South Africa following a stud...