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Research outputs: ZAMBIA

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2013 Art and the sacred practitioner among the Zimbabwe Tonga: an analysis of the symbolic interaction

This chapter explains the key concepts and background as well as the four key roles among Zimbabwean Tonga religious practitioners. The ide...

2011 Regional baseline survey to establish children's KAPB in relation to sexuality and gender, access to sexuality and HIV information and sexual and reproductive health services in Zambia and South Africa

The overall aim of the project is to establish a baseline of knowledge, attitudes, perceptions and behaviours (KABP) of children between 5 a...

2009 The development of harmonized minimum standards for guidance on HIV testing and counselling and Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in the SADC region: PMTCT country report: Zambia

Zambia is one of the sub-Saharan African countries worst affected by HIV/AIDS pandemic. Estimates of HIV prevalence in 2007 for people aged ...

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2009 The development of harmonized minimum standards for guidance on HIV testing and counselling and Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in the SADC region: HTC country report: Zambia

Voluntary Counselling and Testing Services were established on a larger scale in Zambia in 1999. The programme was initiated in 21 pilot sit...

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