EPWP mid-term review: component 1: international PWP comparative study

OUTPUT TYPE: Research report- client
TITLE AUTHOR(S): A.McCord, O.Willcox, P.Harvey, K.Vaidya, D.Hemson
Intranet: HSRC Library: shelf number 5468
HANDLE: 20.500.11910/5221
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11910/5221

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The objective of this study is to provide a comparative analysis of the EPWP in relation to current and historic public works programmes (PWPs) internationally and to make recommendations based on the findings as to how the EPWP can be revised and reconceptualised for improved performance. The methodology adopted for the comparative analysis entailed a review of international literature summarizing key lessons regarding public works in both developed and developing countries, interviews with national and international experts working in the area of public works, active labour market policies and social protection, and a series of detailed case studies focusing on programmes in countries with a range of contexts, each of relevance to South Africa in different ways, which have attempted to adopt public works responses to the challenge of poverty, unemployment and service delivery, with varying degrees of success.