Mr Clement Temosho Nchabeleng

DEPARTMENT: Equitable Education and Economies (IED)
TELEPHONE: 012 302

Clement Nchabeleng is an intern in the HSRC's Developmental, Capable and Ethical States research division. He holds a Master of Science degree in public policy and management from Corvinus University of Budapest (2020), as well as a BA degree in international relations and a BA honours degree in political studies from the University of Venda. Nchabeleng specialises in peace and security, economic reforms and state building in Africa.

Before joining the HSRC, he spent a year (2019) as a volunteer at Transparency International (Hungary) during which he conducted research analysis and drafted reviews. Nchabeleng was awarded the scholarship by the Department of Higher Education and Training to study his master's degree in 2018.


Social Intergration of immigrants in South African local Muncipalities

To analyse institutional coordination for social integration of immigrants using the District Development Model (DDM) and taking into account the soci....