Dr Lorenza Logan Fluks

DEPARTMENT: Public Health, Societies and Belonging (HSC)
TELEPHONE: 021 466 7864
EMAIL: LFluks@hsrc.ac.za

I am a postdoctoral fellow, at the rank of research specialist in the Human and Social Capabilities research division at the HSRC. I have a PhD in Psychology from Stellenbosch University. I am trained in community psychology (CP), and have extensive experience in community-related work as a student, volunteer and university-based community project leader. Because of my CP background and community service experience, I have developed a keen interest in conducting participatory and action-oriented research. My work at HSRC over the past four years, starting as PhD intern and now postdoctoral fellow, include a wide range of topics. My current project work involves engaging civil society in rolling out sexual and reproductive health education across Eastern and Southern Africa; intersectionality in research and a newly secured project on strengthening the capacities of science granting councils across Africa in advancing gender and inclusivity. Through these projects and others, I have been involved in all stages of the research process including project conceptualization, proposal writing, project management, data collection and analysis, report writing, as well as publication and conference presentations.


Ward-based case studies of vaccine hesitancy and the COVID-19 response in South Africa

Ward-based case studies of vaccine hesitancy and the COVID-19 response in South Africa....

A multidimensional understanding of wellbeing to address poverty and inequality in South Africa: A historical, methodological and practical approach

We propose a medium to long term programme of research that develops a critical and multidimensional understanding of wellbeing to address poverty and....