Ms Natasha Markus

DEPARTMENT: Equitable Education and Economies (IED)
TELEPHONE: 021 466

Young People and Relational Wellbeing: Good!?

1. To test, refine and further develop the RWB approach ??? both as a theory/conceptual framework and as a methodology ??? in terms of its robustness ....

Open Access- : Morphing across the margins: how young people make a living in South Africa and beyond

I have just published a journal article with the Journal of Youth Studies, title: Morphing across the margins: how young people make a living in South....

EEE Cape Town Office writing workshop

In our capacities as Head of Office and Deputy Head of Office in the Cape Town branch of EEE, we would like to propose that an amount be applied to fu....

Young people and relational wellbeing programme

The National Research Foundation (NRF) in South Africa was selected to develop this full application. The NRF is an independent, statutory body establ....