Dr Vandudzai Mbanda

DEPARTMENT: Equitable Education and Economies (IED)
TELEPHONE: 012 302
EMAIL: VMbanda@hsrc.ac.za

ARHE Fieldwork and Scientific Articles Editorial Support

A survey of agrarian household and editorial support for DASI emerging researchers are ongoing strategic initiatives of this team. Intensifying and sc....

'One Food' Delivering climate resilience through safe and sustainable food systems

Cefas has received Overseas Development Assistance from Defra to co-design and deliver the One Food project with the South African Government. As part....

2023 Agrarian Rural Household Economy Study (ARHE) Study

This study seeks to determine whether there have been any improvements in the lives of the underprivileged rural communities over the last ten years t....

One Food social sciences study

1.Review the current project concept and produce a short-written brief on the social science topics the project should look to address, to include ini....