Research outputs

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Research outputs: COVID-19

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2021 The lingering impact of COVID-19 on persons with disabilities

The worst socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 fell along geographic, racial, and gendered lines. A new study conducted by the HSRC, the Instit...

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2021 The 15 minute city-campus: post-Covid African university precincts

In his 2016 article, Reimagining the city from the internet up, Dan Doctoroff argued that cities and towns that are based on the internet an...

2021 Global HIV efforts need to focus on key populations in LMICs

COVID-19 deaths had exceeded 5 million globally on Nov 22, 2021.1 As the world struggles to contain COVID-19, the HIV pandemic of more than ...

2021 Viewpoint: Hacking childhood: will future technologies undermine, or enable, optimal early childhood development?

It's 2041. Children born during the COVID-19 pandemic are graduating (virtually). For several decades, the internet has been part of everyda...