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Research outputs: CRIME AND SECURITY

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2016 Pulling us apart?: the association between fear of crime and social cohesion in South Africa

Fear of crime, like crime itself, is thought to be a factor that constrains efforts by government and non-state actors to promote socially c...

2014 Is it safer behind the gates?: crime and gated communities in South Africa

Gated communities have long been seen as a rational response to rising crime levels, yet very little is known about the extent to which resi...

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2013 The South African Social Attitudes Survey: trust in the criminal justice system in South Africa: tabulation report based on the 2012 round of the South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS)

This report is one of the outputs associated with a Open Society Foundation South Africa (OSF-SA) sponsored study entitled 'An Investigatio...

2013 The impact of the implementation of security acts on physical and general psychological well-being of travellers within South African boarders

When the democratic South African government came into power in 1994 it adopted a new policy on terrorism, which regarded acts of terrorism ...