Research outputs

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Research outputs: DIABETES

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2020 Tackling non-communicable diseases: critical beyond COVID-19

Evidence suggests that COVID-19 patients with diabetes and hypertension are more likely to face poorer outcomes. Both of these health condit...

2020 Eye care utilization among diabetics in the South African National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (SANHANES-1): a cross-sectional study

Diabetes is a chronic disease of uncontrolled blood sugar levels. People with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing visual impairm...

2019 Incidence, socio-economic inequalities and determinants of catastrophic health expenditure and impoverishment for diabetes care in South Africa: a study at two public hospitals in Tshwane

Direct out of pocket (OOP) payments for healthcare may cause financial hardship. For diabetic patients who require frequent visits to health...

2018 Identifying gaps in the continuum of care for cardiovascular disease and diabetes in two communities in South Africa: baseline findings from the HealthRise project

The HealthRise initiative seeks to implement and evaluate innovative community-based strategies for diabetes, hypertension and hypercholeste...

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