Research outputs

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Research data

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2009 Baseline patient satisfaction survey in 266 clinics located in three health districts of the Eastern Cape: Amathole, OR Tambo and Chris Hani

Background: The Eastern Cape Department of Health commissioned the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) to conduct Patient Satisfaction su...

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2008 Traditional circumcision during manhood initiation rituals in the Eastern Cape, South Africa: a pre-post intervention evaluation

Circumcisions undertaken in non-clinical settings can have significant risks of serious adverse events, including death. The aim of this stu...

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2008 Traditional male circumcision intervention report

This intervention report is divided into six parts dealing with the following issues: 1. Attitudes of pre-initiates towards traditional ma...

2008 Evaluation of a safer male circumcision training programme for traditional surgeons and nurses in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

traditional surgeons and 49 traditional nurses in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Training included the following topics: initiation rites; ...