Research outputs

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Research outputs: FOOD AND NUTRITION

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2018 The prevalence of edentulism and their related factors in Indonesia, 2014/15

Little information exists about the loss of all one???s teeth (edentulism) among older adults in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to inv...

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2018 Assessing knowledge, beliefs and practices related to the consumption of sheep and goat meat in Senegal

A Rapid Integrated Assessment (RIA) of nutrition and health risks and benefits was carried out in 2013 in sheep and goat agri-food systems i...

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2017 The Sackler Institute for nutrition science report: adolescent girl-adult women comparison study: the nutritional status and metabolic disease risk profile of South African women (15+ years)

The prevalence of malnutrition (under- and overweight, and nutrient deficiencies) in SA has consistently been reported to have risen, albeit...