Research outputs

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Research outputs: GENDER

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2019 Helen A'Loy and other tales of female automata: a gendered reading of the narratives of hopes and fears of intelligent machines and artificial intelligence

The imaginative context in which artificial intelligence (AI) is embedded remains a crucial touchstone from which to understand and critique...

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2019 Attitudes toward abortion, social welfare programs, and gender roles in the U.S. and South Africa

Public abortion attitudes are important predictors of abortion stigma and accessibility, even in legal settings like the U.S. and South Afri...

2019 Survey of heteronormative attitudes and tolerance toward gender non-conformity in Mountain West undergraduate students

Heteronormative attitudes are prevalent in the United States and may contribute to discrimination against individuals who do not conform to ...

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2019 HIV prevalence in South Africa through gender and racial lenses: results from the 2012 population-based national household survey

In South Africa, persistence of the HIV epidemic and associated gender and racial disparities is a major concern after more than 20 years of...