Research outputs

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Research outputs: HEALTH

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2018 Health inequalities and the poor: disadvantaged in every way

As South Africa embarks on the implementation of NHI to achieve UHC, monitoring inequalities in the health system is of paramount importance...

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2018 Self-reported sleep duration and its correlates with sociodemographics, health behaviours, poor mental health, and chronic conditions in rural persons 40 years and older in South Africa

This study aims to investigate sleep duration and its association with sociodemographic, health behaviour, mental health, and chronic diseas...

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2018 Post-traumatic stress disorder and health risk behaviour among persons 15 years and older in South Africa

The aim of this study was to investigate the association between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and health risk behaviours among pers...

2018 Lifetime spousal violence victimization and perpetration, physical illness, and health risk behaviours among women in India

The aim of this study was to assess the association between lifetime spousal violence victimization, spousal violence perpetration, and phys...

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