Research outputs

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Research outputs: HIV/AIDS

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2017 Prevalence of psychological distress and its association with sociodemographic and HIV-risk factors in South Africa: findings of the 2012 HIV prevalence, incidence and behaviour survey

In South Africa, there are limited nationally representative data on the prevalence and factors associated with psychological distress. This...

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2017 The perceived relevance of HIV/AIDS prevention and care programmes for reducing vulnerability to HIV: a qualitative enquiry from Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

The South African National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS and STI has intensified, comprehensive, multi-sectoral, national response to the ...

2017 Poverty and HIV/AIDS: impact of social grants among South African Indians in an Urban setting in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

In South Africa poverty and HIV/AIDS is concentrated among blacks, particularly Africans. Social support grants mitigate amongst the deservi...

2017 Acceptability of women-delivered HIV self-testing to the male partner, and additional interventions: a qualitative study of antenatal care participants in Malawi

In the era of ambitious HIV targets, novel HIV testing models are required for hard-to-reach groups such as men, who remain underserved by e...

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