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Research outputs: HIV/AIDS

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2016 Alcohol expectancies and inhibition conflict as moderators of the alcohol-unprotected sex relationship: event-level findings from a daily diary study among individuals living with HIV in Cape Town, South Africa

Literature from sub-Saharan Africa and elsewhere supports a global association between alcohol and HIV risk. However, more rigorous studies ...

2016 HIV risk among men who have sex with men, women who have sex with women, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender populations in South Africa: a mini-review

The HIV epidemic in South Africa is characterized mainly by heterosexual transmission. Recently, the importance of targeting key populations...

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2016 Risk behaviour of HIV positive individuals who are aware of their serostatus: evidence from the 2012 HIV Population-based Household Survey in South Africa

HIV positive people are the main source of new infections, which occur mainly through risk behaviours with a high-risk partner. Awareness of...

2016 HIV risk perception and behavior among medically and traditionally circumcised males in South Africa

In South Africa, voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) has recently been implemented as a strategy for reducing the risk of heterosexua...

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