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Research outputs: HIV/AIDS PREVENTION

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

2008 Endorsement of a genocidal HIV conspiracy as a barrier to HIV testing in South Africa

Regardless of their origin, genocidal beliefs may be barriers to HIV prevention efforts. In the United States, HIV conspiracies are associa...

2008 Obstacles in executing preventions plans for HIV birth infections

Good programmes to prevent the transmission of HIV from mother-to-child during birth (PMTCT programmes) exist, but what prevents the proper ...

2007 HIV/AIDS risk reduction counseling for alcohol using sexually transmitted infections clinic patients in Cape Town, South Africa

HIV is ravaging southern Africa, and HIV transmission risk behaviors are facilitated by alcohol use in sexual contexts. There are no known ...

2007 Program for abstinence, faithfulness and the reduction of harmful sexual behaviors for youth and other groups (ABY) in South Africa: results of a baseline evaluation

The goal of the abstinence and be faithful among youth (ABY) project at Hope Worldwide was to enhance local responses to HIV and AIDS among ...