Research outputs

Access is provided to research outputs generated by HSRC researchers since 2000. All research outputs are provided free of charge to the public, with the exception of confidential reports. Where possible the full-text is provided for immediate download. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of an output which is not immediately available for download, please contact the Digital Curation Team at

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Research data

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Research outputs: INTELLIGENTSIA

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2020 Jabulani 'Mzala' Nxumalo: revolutionary intellectual

Jabulani Nobelman 'Mzala' Nxumalo has been described as "one of the most outstanding revolutionary intellectuals of the 1976 generation", wh...

2020 Zackie Achmat: social movements activist

How many people in the world would refuse a life-saving drug until it is available to all? Abdurrazack 'Zackie' Achmat came to the world's a...

2020 Kumi Naidoo: the global activist

Global activist and civil society leader Kumi Naidoo has occupied the global stage on civic matters for many years' but not only in an admin...

2020 Alan Paton: weeping for the beloved country

Alan Stewart Patons novel Cry the Beloved Country was instrumental in alerting the world to the horrors of apartheid at about the same time ...