Research outputs

Access is provided to research outputs generated by HSRC researchers since 2000. All research outputs are provided free of charge to the public, with the exception of confidential reports. Where possible the full-text is provided for immediate download. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of an output which is not immediately available for download, please contact the Digital Curation Team at

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Research data

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Research outputs: INTELLIGENTSIA

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2020 Bishop Trevor Huddleston: naught for your comfort

Ernest Urban Trevor Huddleston was motivated by a strong Christian faith, but a very earthbound and pragmatic one. He believed that Christ's...

2020 George Bizos: a passion for justice

George Bizos leaves a prodigious legacy, but he will probably be most well remembered ' and most revered 'for three small words. It was at h...

2020 Helen Suzman: a lone voice for liberty

It is hard to imagine what it must have been like for Helen Suzman, an English-speaking Jewish woman, to pit herself against the massed majo...

2020 Bram Fischer: a defiant Afrikaner

Fischer set the course of South Africa's struggle history through his selfless act of standing up against the injustices of apartheid, and f...