Research outputs

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Research outputs: VIOLENCE

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2016 Demarcation for democracy or violence: Vuwani at glance: Vuwani rapid response/exploratory study: literature report

The volatile situation in Vuwani warranted an empirical investigation because it presents complexity in a democratic dispensation in which l...

2015 Health risk behaviour among in-school adolescents in the Philippines: trends between 2003, 2007 and 2011, a cross-sectional study

Intermittent monitoring of health risk behaviours at the population level is important for the planning and evaluation of national health pr...

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2015 Sexual violence and associated factors among female youths in South Africa

The study aims to investigate factors associated with sexual violence among South African female youths (18-24 years) in a cross-sectional h...

2015 Coming to self-awareness: in search of an education for non-violence

This paper draws on intentionality systems theory to begin a discussion about the relationship between the act of violence and thinking. The...