Research outputs

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Research outputs: VIOLENCE

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2012 State of affliction: fear of crime and quality of life in South Africa

This chapter briefly reviews research on fear of crime and its effect on quality of life. It is followed by a methodological section that c...

2012 Foreign exchange: monitoring xenophobia in South Africa

Nearly four years have passed since countrywide xenophobic violence resulted in 62 deaths and the forced displacement of tens of thousands o...

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2012 The presence of the past: youth, memory making and the politics of self-determination in southeastern Nigeria

This article focuses on recent reconstructions of Igbo 'memory' by the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign state of Biafra (MASS...

2012 Partner violence and associated factors among pregnant women in Nkangala district, Mpumalanga

Design. In a cross-sectional study, 1 502 pregnant women systematically selected at primary health care facilities were interviewed using a ...