A mother's reflections of living with an adolescent drug abuser: a case report

SOURCE: Journal of Substance Use
OUTPUT TYPE: Journal Article
TITLE AUTHOR(S): C.Groenewald
Print: HSRC Library: shelf number 10376
HANDLE: 20.500.11910/12222
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11910/12222

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Mothers of adolescents with substance abuse problems experience significant distress as a result of the adolescent???s behaviours. Using an interpretative phenomenological methodology, this paper describes the lived experience of a mother coping with an adolescent who has a drug use problem in the form of a case report. The mother experienced a range of psychosocial challenges in trying to cope with her son???s behaviour and her own emotional distress. This included a desperate cry for help in the form of an attempt at suicide which ultimately led her to obtain the support she required to attend to her distress. The findings are discussed in relation to the literature with the intention to draw attention to the importance of coping support for mothers affected by adolescent substance abuse.