Dr Olga Alina Bialostocka

TELEPHONE: 012 302 9706
EMAIL: obialostocka@hsrc.ac.za

Olga Bialostocka is a NRF-rated researcher at the Human Sciences Research Council. She received her doctoral degree in archaeology from the University of Warsaw (Poland), specialising in Egyptology. She also holds a Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in Ancient History from Universite de Paris ? Sorbonne, Paris IV (France).

Her work experience includes over a decade of service at several archaeological sites, the most prominent ones being Deir el-Bahari in Egypt and El-Zuma in Sudan, both on the UNESCO World Heritage List. In 2013 she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (USA).

Her research interests fall within the broad field of culture as a pillar of and a resource for sustainable development, including the questions of benefits and shortcomings of using cultural approach to development, the potential of cultural and natural heritage for tourism, as well as issues related to indigenous populations and cultural minorities in the context of globalization and human rights.


Culture and Development

Culture and Development....