Research outputs

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Research outputs: COVID-19

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2020 Rethinking growth-unemployment puzzles in the COVID-19 recession: contextualising SA's macroeconomic policy options

The total value of goods and services produced inside South Africas borders fell steeply in the last two quarters of 2019, resulting in a sh...

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2020 Cities at the epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic: density matters

Urban density is an important consideration in the coronavirus pandemic, but knee-jerk reactions by the government, companies and citizens a...

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2020 Lived realities of urban peripheries: building infrastructures of change

Apartheid was enacted spatially through infrastructural investment to support institutionalised racism and class inequality. Post-apartheid ...

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2020 Circular migration during COVID-19: reflecting on the social and cultural significance of 'home'

The arrival of COVID-19 in South Africa has been like putting dye in water; moving across the surface as flow determines spread, it leaves c...

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