Research outputs

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Research outputs: COVID-19

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2020 Remember our mental health during the lockdown: the voices behind the numbers

A recent survey by the University of Johannesburg and the HSRC found that a sizeable share of South African adults experienced a range of ne...

2020 Tackling non-communicable diseases: critical beyond COVID-19

Evidence suggests that COVID-19 patients with diabetes and hypertension are more likely to face poorer outcomes. Both of these health condit...

2020 Disrupted learning during COVID-19: the impact of school closures on education outcomes in South Africa

By mid-April about 1.725 billion students globally had been affected by the closure of schools and higher education institutions in response...

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2020 Anxiety about schools reopening: enhancing the voice of teachers, parents and learners through photovoice

The state of disaster announced on 15 March saw South African schools close more than a week before the country went into a hard lockdown to...

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