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Research outputs: COVID-19

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2020 Home first: a starting point for the chronically homeless?

On a crisp June morning over two months after COVID-19 lockdown was announced, Cape Town was eerily quiet. Stripped of its bustling crowds o...

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2020 Leaving no one behind during Covid-19: relief workers' concern for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers

In South Africa, migrants, asylum seekers and refugees have disproportionate access to socioeconomic resources and healthcare services. Find...

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2020 COVID-19 exacerbates anti-immigrant prejudice and discrimination

Mass demonstrations against systemic racism have broken out across the world in reaction to the unjust and tragic death of George Floyd at t...

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2020 HSRC-UJ survey findings call for state and civil society collaboration to rebuild trust

Approximately two-thirds of South Africans said they would be willing to sacrifice some human rights to prevent the spread of COVID-19; and ...

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