Ms Namhla Penelope Ngqwala

DEPARTMENT: Developmental, Capable and Ethical State (DCES)
TELEPHONE: 031 242 2246

Namhla Ngqwala is a Masters Research Trainee in the Developmental, Capable and Ethical State (DCES) unit. She is currently pursuing a Master?s degree in Political Studies at the University of Witwatersrand. Holds an Honours degree (Political Studies) (NWU), BA (Development and Management) (NWU). Her interest include political violence, peace and security and conflict management.

She was a former research intern at the National Research Foundation based at HSRC within the DCES programme from the 1st of April 2019 to the 23rd of March 2020 were she resumed as a Masters trainee. She has worked in projects such as SALGA (South African Local Government Association), Open Society Foundation (OSF), BRICS and through these projects gain knowledge of the local government sphere. Familiar with qualitative research method, data analyses and proposal writing.


Enhancement, Editing and Publishing of Military Veterans Manuscripts Project

The project entails the enhancement, editing and publishing of draft manuscripts developed by seven military veterans. These are draft memoirs and/or ....

Langa Turning 100: Looking back and Forward through the lens of Social, Economic and Political History

This study aims to examine transformations in social, economic and political circumstances and the impact of these changes in Langa over the last 100 ....

An assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the selected support mechanisms implemented to mitigate and alleviate the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Africa

To assess: How have the selected support mechanisms performed in mitigating and alleviating the most severe impacts of Covid-19 and assisted the vic....

Wentworth: A Social Economic and Political History

This study aims to examine transformations in social, economic and political circumstances and the impact of these changes on one urban community ??? ....

Conduct and Transcribe Qualitative interviews on the interviews on the institutional environment and personal values of Soweto Entrepreneurs

The overall aim of the study is to investigate how the personal values of Soweto entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial interventions from their institutio....