Dr Paul Sicco Plantinga

DEPARTMENT: Impact Centre (IC)
TELEPHONE: 012 302 2230
EMAIL: pplantinga@hsrc.ac.za

Mainstreaming Engaged Research through the National System of Innovation

Towards Engaged Research Agenda for Impact in the NSI Although the HSRC and many other institutions have had a long-standing focus and history on enga....

African Observatory on Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AORAI)

The project is being implemented together with Research ICT Africa (RIA), a non-profit technology research organisation based in Cape Town, and is fun....

National Health Insurance Project (NHI)

AIM: 21- 22 FY: To assess South African's public perceptions and attitudes towards NHI and the confounding effects of Covid-19. More specifically th....

Evidence synthesis research project on the state of Health policy and systems in South Africa

To support the development and implementation of key health systems policies and programmes in South Africa, such as the NHI, the project will map exi....