Research outputs

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Research outputs: VIOLENCE

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2022 Liberation and looted malls: fractured urbanism and suburban nationalism in South Africa in the time of Covid

In 2003, Ivor Chipkin (2003) published a study which found that the provision of improved physical infrastructure (taps, housing, new school...

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2022 Structural violence in South African primary healthcare facilities: insights from discussions with adolescents and young people seeking sexual and reproductive health needs

Introduction. South Africa has an enabling legislative and policy framework that promotes the protection of adolescents and young peoples se...

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2021 Exposure to community violence increases teen boys' risk for mental illness

Teenagers growing up in South Africa are exposed to some of the highest rates of violence in the world. Focusing on a sample of adolescents ...

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2021 Violences in the South African student movement

This essay draws attention to the complexities of understanding violence as a phenomenon and experience that almost always involves multiple...