Research outputs

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Research outputs: VIOLENCE

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2021 Burnt edges, looted malls: insurgency and suburban nationalism

In 2003, Ivor Chipkin (2003) published a study which found that the provision of improved physical infrastructure (taps, housing, new school...

2021 Understanding violence between South African nationals and African immigrants in Gauteng province: phase Two

South Africa' s political economy and social life has its foundations intrinsically linked with both historical and more contemporary migrat...

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2020 Pathways from witnessing community violence to mental health problems among South African adolescents

The intersection of violence exposure and mental health problems is a public health crisis for South African (SA) adolescents. Understanding...

2020 Exploring queerphobic geographies in Southern Africa

Space in Southern African countries is continuously constructed as heterosexual, putting queer individuals at risk of violence. This paper e...