Research outputs

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Research outputs: VIOLENCE

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2021 Anti-immigrant violence as social group control vigilantism?: understanding attitudes, behaviours and solutions

In the early September 2019 the street of Johannesburg convulsed with violence. Using anti-immigrant rhetoric, citizens in the country's wea...

2021 From apartheid to empire: how (post)apartheid South Africa became an anti-poor black society

Using psycho-political analysis as a method of seeing and interpreting, this essay meditates on why and how Frantz Fanon's observation that ...

2021 Crises and disruptions: educational reflections, (re)imaginings, and (re)vitalization

COVID-19 has illuminated and exacerbated inequities, yet, as a crisis, it is not exceptional in its effect on education. We start this criti...

2021 After 2021: reimagining South African shopping malls

In the torrent of media coverage that accompanied the widespread looting and violence in South Africa's Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal provinces ...

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