Mr John Raymond Raymond Seager

DEPARTMENT: Equitable Education and Economies (IED)
TELEPHONE: 012 302 2067

Professor John Seager is a Research Director in the HIV/AIDS, STIs and TB (HAST) research programme, where he works in the Epidemiology and Strategic Information Unit, taking responsibility for the monitoring and evaluation of some of the larger projects. He holds a BSc (Hons) in zoology and a PhD in ecology and population dynamics at the University of Wales. Prof. Seager is an Honorary Professor of Public Health at the University of the Western Cape where he also serves as a Mellon Senior Scholar responsible for the mentoring of academic staff working towards PhDs and publications. Prof. Seager is also Professor Extraordinary at Stellenbosch University.

Before joining the HSRC in November 2003, he was director of the Health and Development Research Group at the Medical Research Council, and director of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Urban Health. He has worked as a consultant for the World Bank, the UK Department for International Development, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the Southern African Development Community and the Development Bank of Southern Africa.

His research focuses on social determinants of health among the poor in developing countries. He has conducted several large-scale research projects in peri-urban areas of South African cities, and was a founder member of the consortium that established the longitudinal Young Lives International Study of Childhood Poverty in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam.

Prof. Seager serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of Development Southern Africa and is a reviewer for local and international journals. His publication record spans the authoring and co-authoring of more than 60 journal articles, 50 research reports and 100 presentations at scientific meetings.


