Mr Ngqapheli Obadia Mchunu

DEPARTMENT: Developmental, Capable and Ethical State (DCES)
TELEPHONE: 012 302 5626

Mr Ngqapheli Mchunu is a PhD research trainee in the Development, Capable and Ethical State. He holds a master?s degree in Political Sciences. He specialises in matters of governance and state institutions, corruption, public sector ethics, service delivery and public opinion research. Currently, Mchunu is enrolled for a Doctoral programme in Political Science at Stellenbosch University where he is examining the challenges facing South Africa?s corruption fighting institutions in a dominant party state (2004-2019) using the province of KwaZulu-Natal as a case study.

Experience and special projects: During his master?s studies, he held an intern position at the Human Sciences Research Council he was involved in high-level research projects for the South African National Defence Force (SANDF), the office of the Presidency, the Electoral Commission and the National Development Agency (NDA). He is competent in both qualitative and quantitative social sciences research methods including questionnaire design, data collection and analysis.

Publications: ? Mchunu, N. and Dlamini, S.I., 2020. Wavering Ethical Leadership and Local Governance: KwaZulu-Natal Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. Journal of Public administration, 55 (1), pp. 62-81. ? Gordon, S. Roberts, B. Struwig, J. Mchunu, N. Mtyingizane, S & Zondi, T., 2020. Size Does Matter: The Relationship between Perceived Immigrant Group Size and Attitudes towards Foreign Nationals. South African Journal of Demography. 20 (1), pp. 28-56. ? Mchunu, N., 2019. Corruption perceptions and their effects on young graduate?s attitudes towards public sector recruitment processes and trust in public institutions. A quantitative exploration of students from the University of KwaZulu-Natal and the KwaZulu-Natal department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. African Journal of Public Affairs. 11(3), pp. 59-78. ? Gordon, S., Struwig, J., Roberts, B., Mchunu, N., Mtyingizane, S. Radebe, T. 2018. What drives citizen participation in political gatherings in modern South Africa? a quantitative analysis of self-reported behaviour. Social Indicators Research. 141 (2), pp.791-808. ? Roberts, B.J., Bohler-Muller, N., Struwig, J., Gordon, S.L., Mchunu, N., Mtyingizane, S. & Runciman, C. 2017. Protest blues: public opinion on the policing of protest in South Africa. SA Crime Quarterly. 62, pp. 63-80


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