
Browse information about current and completed research projects. You can search for information or filter by department. The most recent projects are listed first.

Featured project: Labour Market Intelligence Partnership
The Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP) was a Department of Higher Education and Training-funded project led by the HSRC and a research consortium that included UCT and Wits. See more at:

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Latest Research Projects

SA Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Survey

Date: 2014-11-12

Department: Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators

MIMMS Year 2 - Year 4 Carry Over

Date: 2014-11-06


COJ: Early Childhood Development

Date: 2014-09-25


Health of our Educators and Officials in Public Schools In South Africa: A National Survey

Date: 2014-09-19

Department: Public Health, Societies and Belonging

GIZ: Socio-Economic Profiles of the Metros

Date: 2014-09-17


WRHI The people living with HIV stigma index

Date: 2014-09-09

Department: Public Health, Societies and Belonging

HealthRise Dissemination

Date: 2014-09-02

Department: Public Health, Societies and Belonging

NRF Incentive Funding: Prof Thelmah Maluleke

Date: 2014-08-20


NRF Incentive Funding: Prof Pamela Naidoo

Date: 2014-08-20


TIMSS Numeracy 2014 Assessment at Grade 5 level (Data collection)

Date: 2014-08-18

Department: Equitable Education and Economies

Research studies within the area of HIV in the world of work

Date: 2014-08-06

Department: Public Health, Societies and Belonging

WSSF - Scholarship Support: OSISA

Date: 2014-07-29

Department: Deputy CEO: Research

WSSF - Scholarship Support: OSISA

Date: 2014-07-29

Department: Deputy CEO: Research

WSSF - Scholarship Support: OSISA

Date: 2014-07-29

Department: Deputy CEO: Research

Supplement funding: Implemting comprehensive PMTCT & HIV prevention for South African couples

Date: 2014-07-28

Department: Public Health, Societies and Belonging

The State of population Eastern Cape Province

Date: 2014-07-18
