Dr K Sausi

Dr Kombi Sausi hold is a Post doctoral fellow in the Democracy, Capable and Ethical State (DCES) research division. He hold a PhD in Social Sciences (Development Anthropology) from University of KwaZulu-Natal (2018). He specialises in access to services (local government and public health sector). His work focuses on the service delivery monitoring, Integrated water resource management, community development, cultural diversity and dynamic in understanding service provision.

Experience and special projects: Dr Sausi has been involved in raising funds, manage and co-investigate several projects namely: 1. Delivery Optimization of Antiretroviral Therapy (The DO ART Study): A prospective, interventional, randomized study of community-based ART initiation, delivery and monitoring in South Africa and Uganda. 2. Catholic Relief Services-Better Way Foundation- Whose Child Is This? Early Childhood Development Tracer Study in Lesotho. 3. UNICEF funded Age Validation of the Early Learning and Development Standards for the Ministry of Education and Training in Lesotho. 4. DREAMS-Preventing HIV in Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Lesotho: An Operations Research Activity. 5. South African Councilor Panel Study in association with Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 6. Family Health International 360 funded Baseline study to inform program improvements and result tracking Early Childhood Household Stimulation. 7. Understanding Homelessness In Central Durban. 8. National Heritage Council, Unsung Heroes and Heroines of the liberation struggle. 9. Department of Justice and Constitutional Development: Access to justice: review of high court of appeal and the Constitutional Court. 10. City Support Program (CSP). 11. Joburg City Safety Strategy. 12. Presidential review of state owned enterprises. 13. Accelerated and Sustainable Water Service Delivery (ASWSD).

Publications: His publication record is evident in a number of peer reviewed publications he has co-authored. His Masters dissertation was published as a book. Dr Sausi has published 11 scientific articles in both local and international peer-reviewed academic journals, 15 research reports, 1 book, and 1 book chapters. .


Just Energy Transition from Coal to Renewables

in response to South Africas energy crisis created by Eskoms lack of capacity to produce electricity efficiently. South Africa currently relies on co....

Examining Prospects of Just Transition and the District Development Model in The Waterberg District: The Case of Eskom and Exxaros Hydrogen Production

The purpose of this project is to develop a Just Transition methodology that can be replicated in other coal mines in the country. The project also se....

A Synthesis Evaluation Study of New District Development Model: the case of the three piloted municipalities in Limpopo, Eastern Cape and Kwa-Zulu Natal provinces

Also outlined in Concept Note: New District Coordination Model to Improve the Coherence and Impact of Government Service Delivery and Development. 17-....

The 2021 Social Unrest in South Africa: Primary survey-based research

With reference to the unrest in KZN and Gauteng and its far-reaching social and economic impacts on the country, this research is to better understand....

Synthesis evaluation of State Capacity - Focus on DGs & HoDs

The system under which DG's and HoD's operate including but not limited to leadership, skills, configuration, processes and functioning, employment co....

Conduct and Transcribe Qualitative interviews on the interviews on the institutional environment and personal values of Soweto Entrepreneurs

The overall aim of the study is to investigate how the personal values of Soweto entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial interventions from their institutio....

Public Officials Skills and Capacity Audit

The purpose of the project is to conduct a skills and capacity audit to understand the capacity realities and support requirements of entry, mid and s....

Longitudinal Study of local councillor performance in urban municipalities

Conducting qualitative interviews and follow-up visits with four ward councillors in low service delivery wards of eThekwini municipality using instru....

CRS Lesotho Tracer Study: Supporting Primary School Transition

This project aims to support the evidence base for early childhood development interventions by evaluating in the who participated in the "Whose child....

Age Validation of the Early Learning and Development Standards for the Ministry of Education and Training in Lesotho

To conduct with scientific rigour an age validation of the Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS) for the Ministry of Education in Lesotho. ....

The Liberation Studies Institute (LSI)

The Liberation Studies Institute will: conduct research on the liberation struggle archives to enhance public access to material pertaining to the st....

Assessment of the Impact of the Decisions of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court of Appeal

The overall aim of the research project is to assess the impact of the two highest courts, the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court of Appeal on....

Millennium Development Goals 2,6,7

Statistics South Africa is leading the writing of a comprehensive progress report to measure the country's progress towards achieving the targets set ....

Evaluation of the Implementation of the Johannesburg City Safety Strategy (JCSS)

The purpose of the project is to evaluate the implementation of the Joburg City Safety Strategy. The evaluation will entail reviewing the implementati....