Dr Steven Lawrence Gordon

DEPARTMENT: Developmental, Capable and Ethical State (DCES)
TELEPHONE: 031 242 5412
EMAIL: sgordon@hsrc.ac.za

Dr Steven Gordon is a senior research specialist in the Developmental, Capable and Ethical State (DCES) research division. He holds an MA in Global Studies from The University of Freiburg (2007) and an MA in Population Studies in University of KwaZulu-Natal (2012). In addition, he holds a PhD in geography from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (2017). He is a Research Associate at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Johannesburg. His work has focused on intergroup relations, subjective wellbeing, prejudice formation and attitudes towards democracy..

Experience and special projects: Dr Gordon started his academic career at the Department of Industrial, Organisational and Labour Studies (IOLS) Research Unit headed by Ari Sitas. He then spent three years as an academic during which time he taught industrial sociology at the undergraduate level at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. He also conducted research for the Harry Gwala District Municipality on attitudes towards service delivery.After starting work at the HSRC, he joined the South African Attitudes Survey (SASAS) research team. He worked on the projects related to public opinion and how attitudes influence behaviour. Research subjects include financial literacy, voting participation, energy usage, environmentalism and homelessness. In addition, he has helped coordinate research HSRC projects for the following clients South African National Defense Force, Gauteng Premier, Open Society Foundation South Africa and Electoral Commission of South Africa. .

Dr Gordon has worked on issues related to quality of life, looking at human happiness for a range of partners including the Institute of Social and Economic Research and the Polo Lionello Bonfanti. He received bursary funding from University of the Witwatersrand DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Human Development..

Dr Gordon has published 31 scientific articles in both local and international peer-reviewed academic journals as well as 12 book chapters in edited volumes. He co-edited a book entitled ?Family Matters: Family Cohesion, Values and Wellbeing? which was published by Human Sciences Research Council Press in 2019. He has also presented more than twenty-two papers at both local and international conferences.


NRF Grant Steven Gordon - Rated process

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United Nations Refugee Agency Research Management Systems Pilot Project research.

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The 2021 Social Unrest in South Africa: Primary survey-based research

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Parent Power National Survey

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Baseline Study to Determine Levels of Racism, Anti-Foreigner Sentiment, Homophobia, Racial Incidents, Inter-racial Relations and Perceptions of National Identity

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Assessment of the implementation and enforcement of the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (AUCPCC)

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University of the Witwatersrand DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Human Development (B Roberts)

Generation of Change South African Attitudes Towards Climate Change in Comparative Perspective. ....

Limpopo 2020: Evaluating Armed Forces Day

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4th Industrial Revolution &Human; Development (OPP2019-4IRHD-6)

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A Survey on the State of youth in Gauteng

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SANDF - Armed Forces Day Project

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State of Social Cohesion and Nation-building in South Africa

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State of Youth in Gauteng

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Implementation of the Evaluation of the Integrated Justice System (IJS)

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Constructing an Intermediate Deprivation Measure for Wards in the City of Johannesburg

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Survey on Career Pathing and development of Women as part of promoting Gender Mainstreaming in the Electoral Commission of south Africa

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Family Cohesion, Values and Strengthening in promoting Family well-being in South Africa

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Governance Index Implementation Plan

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South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS)

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