Prof. Charles Hongoro

DEPARTMENT: Developmental, Capable and Ethical State (DCES)
TELEPHONE: 012 302 2250

Prof Charles Hongoro is the deputy executive director of the HSRC's Developmental, Capable and Ethical State research division where he leads the division's Peace and Sustainable Security unit. He is also the acting coordinator of the HSRC's Africa Institute for South Africa. He holds a PhD in health economics and policy from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), University of London.

Before rejoining the HSRC in July 2013, Hongoro was the unit director of the Health Systems Research Unit at the South African Medical Research Council. His experience at the HSRC includes positions as the deputy executive director of the former Research Impact Assessment division and as the research director for health systems financing in a research group that focused on population health, health systems and innovation group. He was also a research director in the HSRC's former policy analysis unit.

Hongoro has been a programme director of health economics and systems at the Aurum Institute for Health Research in Johannesburg and a lecturer in health economics and systems at the LSHTM. He was also a senior medical research officer and health economist for the Health Systems Research Unit of the National Institute of Health Research (formerly known as the Blair Research Institute) in Zimbabwe. Hongoro has been an extraordinary professor of research at Tshwane University of Technology (2008-2020) and an extraordinary professor of health economics and systems at the University of Pretoria since 2017. He serves on several local and international technical or advisory committees and has done local and international consulting work, largely focusing on health economics analyses, programme development, as well as monitoring and evaluation in the health sector. His areas of research interest include sustainable development, poverty and inequality, health systems financing, the economics of non-communicable and communicable diseases including HIV/AIDS, health systems and policy-oriented research in general, as well as evaluation and impact studies. Hongoro's publication record spans the authoring and co-authoring of several conference presentations, peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters.


Special Edition African Insight Journal Publication

The goal of the writing retreat is to increase publication outputs without overburdening research staff. The workshop for the special issue will allow....

Surplus funds: Democracy @ 30

Supplement the Democracy @ 30 project with ongoing capacity....

Human Dimensions of Climate Change Phase II: SURPLUS

seeks to develop a tool that will assist in quantifying the vulnerabilities based on a systematic analysis of the hazards towards the development of a....

DDM Conference Surplus funds

Request for approval of: Conference attendance: DCES Conference Delegates, Travel & Accommodation Bookings: Panel experts/Moderators, Student Sponsor....

Democracy @30

The Democracy@30 project is a flagship project of the HSRC. The project is designed to draw in all interested researchers in the HSRC as well as outsi....

Enhancement, Editing and Publishing of Military Veterans Manuscripts Project

The project entails the enhancement, editing and publishing of draft manuscripts developed by seven military veterans. These are draft memoirs and/or ....

City of Joburg - International Benchmarking Project (Surplus Funds)

To adapt the best practices regionally and/or internationally based on economic analysis including affordability assessment, value for money and an an....

Feasibility study for a Socio-economic empowerment index

The purpose of the centralised SEEI will be to contribute to deeper debates on structural and systemic determinants of socio-economic empowerment as w....

The Identification of Smart Urban Agriculture/Agro-Processing Solutions, and Assessing the Feasibility thereof, in Addressing the Food Security Challenge in the City of Johannesburg

The primary focus of this project will be to identify possible interventions and projects within urban agriculture that will employ and expand on its ....

Human Dimensions of Climate Change (CC Project)

1.To conduct opportunities, risks and vulnerability assessments in selected communities. 2.To assess the impact of extreme climate change events in So....

Disaster Risk Management with theme: Investing in Disaster Management for Sustainable Development (DDM Conference)

Objective: The objective of the conference is to share scientific information and best practices in issues that relate to disasters, resilience build....

An assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the selected support mechanisms implemented to mitigate and alleviate the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Africa

To assess: How have the selected support mechanisms performed in mitigating and alleviating the most severe impacts of Covid-19 and assisted the vic....

Strengthening disaster risk resilience through enhance coordination mechanisms at local level flood hazard prone areas: Case study of Kwazulu-Natal

The aim of this study is to facilitate strengthening disaster risk resilience by improving coordination mechanisms through developing impact-based ear....

Engaging youth with research on substance abuse through performing arts

The prevalence of substance abuse among the youth, especially in rural areas such as the Limpopo province of South Africa continues to be a cause for ....

National Health Insurance Project (NHI)

AIM: 21- 22 FY: To assess South African's public perceptions and attitudes towards NHI and the confounding effects of Covid-19. More specifically th....

UJ-HSRC Covid-19 Democracy Survey

The main aim of this UJ-HSRC COVID-19 Democracy Survey was to provide critical social data with which to understand public perceptions of the economic....

Evidence synthesis research project on the state of Health policy and systems in South Africa

To support the development and implementation of key health systems policies and programmes in South Africa, such as the NHI, the project will map exi....

Developing an integrated M and E framework and an evaluation plan for the service delivery implementation plans

The Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) draws its mandate from several legislations, and part of those statute include the Constitu....

WHO Proposal Writing Workshop

The WHO funded RIA to host a proposal writing workshop.....

Blue Label PPP - Performance Monitoring

Blue Label and CDC-SA through an implementing partner AURUM, implemented a Phase II approach to the airtime voucher PPP continuing to use the medium ....

Health Inequalities Study

Health Inequalities ....

PIB Seminar: Understanding complexities of Policy implementation

Understanding complexities of Policy implementation....

SPEED Year 4- Supporting Policy Engagements For Evidence-based Decisions (SPEED) for Universal Health Coverage in Uganda

EuropeAid is funding SPEED project in Uganda at part of its call for support to Public Health Institutes EuropeAid/1351/C/ACT/Multi). SPEED is the acr....

The Impact of earthquakes on the sustainability of the Mining Sector in South Africa

Following direction from the CEO the HSRC is conducting a rapid and exploratory study into the impact of earthquakes (and other natural disasters) on ....

DHS - Future Impact Assessment of Informal Settlements

Informal settlements, pose a major challenge for managers and planners in South African cities. Since 1994 the number of households living in informal....

Analysis of NCD Prevention Policies in Africa (ANPPA) Research Fellowship

ANPPA Fellowship. As an ANPPA fellow the HSRC was selected to conduct the country case study for South Africa. The Fellow will be expected to underta....